Carved Santa by Nikita w/ Sack 11"

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Warning: Nesting dolls with small parts present a choking hazard. The primary safety concern with nesting dolls is that many of them contain small parts that might cause an infant to choke. Therefore, very few nesting dolls are appropriate for children 3 years of age, or younger. Please do not let your children put nesting dolls into their mouths!

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Small parts, not children under 3 years.

$ 590
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This wise hand carved and painted Santa is the perfect Klaus to make an appearance on your mantel or table center this holiday season. Maybe even wrap him up as a gift for under the tree. This Klaus signifies the childlike joy of the Christmas season. On the front of his cloak a child sits under a tree patiently waiting for him to come down the chimney. On the back we see a child building a snowman with pure glee. Oh, to be a child during Christmas! Two bunnies are adorned on his bag in a playful manner capturing the childlike wonder that fills our heart during Christmas. He is definitely to bring not only joy, but nostalgia to your holiday season.

Theme Folk Art

Carved Father Frosts Similar to Carved Santa by Nikita w/ Sack