Складное пасхальное яйцо "Кроличья норка" 5 мест 12,5 см

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This item is out of stock till июля 01, 2024. You may still order this item and choose your preferred Back order Policy at checkout. Read Terms of Service for details.

Order with confidence and satisfaction. All merchandise is selected for quality and performance and is guaranteed against defects. If not completely satisfied with your order, please contact customer service within 15 days of receipt of the order to request a return for replacement or credit.

This item qualifies for "CSPIA: Child Friendly" designation. It was painted at the Golden Cockerel workshop (not cottage industry) with paints that we have certified as non-toxic through expensive 3rd party testing. This item doesn't have attachments which might break off under stress and produce sharp edges.

Warning: Nesting dolls with small parts present a choking hazard. The primary safety concern with nesting dolls is that many of them contain small parts that might cause an infant to choke. Therefore, very few nesting dolls are appropriate for children 3 years of age, or younger. Please do not let your children put nesting dolls into their mouths!

Out of Stock till июля 01, 2024

Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Natural Linden Wood

CSPIA: Child Friendly

Small parts, not children under 3 years.

$ 40
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Это семейство очаровательных кроликов усердно трудится в своей норке — ведь скоро светлый праздник Воскресения! Веселые зверята всегда дарят всем своим лесным друзьям по расписному сувениру. Поэтому работают все — и маленькие, и взрослые, складывая подарки в плетеные корзинки. Пятиместная деревянная матрешка-яйцо ручной работы — нежный и яркий подарок к первому дню весны. Милые зайчишки покорят ваших детей, а процесс разбирания и собирания складного яйца разовьет мелкую моторику. Для детей от 3-х лет. Сделано в России.

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