Santa Box "Through Snow and Ice to Christmas Lights"

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Box?  Yes, this Russian Father Frost wood carving is more than meets the eye.  Indeed, you have the delightful Father Frost figurine RIDING A POLAR BEAR!  The bear alone has tons of personality.  Santa holds a lantern in his left hand to light the way.  Please note, also, the wise old owl with beaded eyes on his shoulder -- so delicately carved and painted!  The secret is that the sack he is carrying on his back is actually a hinged box!  The owl serves as the secret latch.  Once the owl is removed from Santa's shoulder, the sack will swing open revealing quite a large hidden space for the most delightful of trinkets to be stored.  Place a special gift (like a diamond ring!) inside this box, and give this Father Frost figurine as the unforgettable "wrapping" of your gift.  Priceless! 

Hand carved and hand painted in Siberia, Russia.  Measures 8" long, 11" tall, and 3" wide.


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