Drew Carey Custom Promotional Doll 7pc./6"

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This item is discontinued and no longer available for sale. Interested in a custom product similar to Drew Carey Custom Promotional Doll 7pc./6" but personalized to your needs?
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Yes, that's Drew Carey's big mug on the front of a Russian nesting doll! He surprised the cast and crew of his Drew Carey Show with a Christmas present from Russia featuring himself and the other famous folk on the show. In other words, a high society corporate gift for folks at Warner Bros. Television. This doll offers yet another example of a great way to celebrate and immortalize the big players in an event, play, movie, family reunion, etc. We do not stock this item; it is not for sale. This is an example of the type of custom doll we could make for you.
Size 6"

Special Order Similar to Drew Carey Custom Promotional Doll

N/A Discontinued
N/A Discontinued
N/A Discontinued
N/A Discontinued