Lacquered Box - 3.5"x2"x3.5" - Baba Yaga

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This one-of-a-kind lacquered box has a very unique shape – it is made to look like an authentic Russian stove! Each side is painted in charming and intricate detail. The artist, Romanova, has illustrated a scene from the story of Baba Yaga, or the Russian "Hansel and Gretel." We see Hansel and a black cat, Gretel using a spinning wheel, and the witch Baba Yaga lurking behind. The stove opens to reveal a tiny drawer where you can hide a small treasure. Lacquerware first entered Russia in the 18th century, where it developed its own distinctive style. Starting with papier-mache, a smoother and more stable material than wood, crafts workers assemble the box and apply the red and black lacquer base coats. Next, lacquer artists direct their years of skill and ample patience to the many small and intricate sections of the drawings. This often requires a strong magnifying glass and brushes as fine as a single hair. When finished, the work of art is ready for generations of enjoyment!

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