Take a cruise of the Baltic Sea as you open up this charming Russian matryoshka doll. The journey begins at the mouth of St. Petersburg's mighty Neva river, where it flows into the Baltic. The drawbridges across the Neva open up during the White Nights to allow you a closer look at the Fortress of Sts. Peter and Paul and the golden European spire of the Fortress Cathedral. Journey on to Helsinki, Finland, where you'll behold the Lutheran Helsinki Cathedral with it's signature waterfront stairs and striking green domes. Next you'll be dazzled by waterfront views of the old Stockholm skyline, above which rises the Germanic spire of St. Gertrude's Cathedral. Don't forget to ponder the appearance of the Little Mermaid in the Copenhagen harbor. According to Hans Christian Andersen's story, she would sit there on the edge of the bay pining for the prince who had captured her heart.
Perhaps you have been on such a cruise, and this nesting doll was just the Baltic cruise souvenir you would have loved to find. Add it to your doll collection now, and remember those enchanting days of your vacation as you open her up. Perhaps the boat you were on looks just like the cruise ship on the smallest of the dolls in this set?
If you are operating a cruise line, or sponsoring a cruise, we'd love to custom make a doll just like this for you, only we'll alter the ports depicted on the dolls per your itinerary. This nesting doll makes a great room gift for any cruise.